Jamaican Stew Peas

This hearty Jamaican dish is a favorite amongst many household. its even assigned it’s own day in Jamaica, that day being Wednesday. this dish is made of red kidney beans and your choice of meat. My personal preference is salted pigtail, because it adds a flavor that’s unmatched by any other meat kind.
1 lb. salted pigtail ( salted beef if your not a pork eater)
1 lb. beef stew
2 1/2 cups of dry kidney beans
1 tbsp. chopped garlic
6 -8 pimento seeds
6 – 8 cups water ( enough to cover meat & peas)
1/4 cup coconut milk
1/2 tsp black pepper
2 tsp. onion powder
3 stalks of green onion
1 sprig of thyme
1 whole scotch bonnet pepper
1 cube of bouillon ( crushed )
3 tbsp. butter
salt ( optional, only if needed base on taste)
- Wash salted pigtail, add it to a sauce pan of water and bring to a boil.
once water reaches a boiling point, remove from heat and drain. Add fresh water and repeat the boiling and draining process for a total of three times to properly remove the salt. - Once the salt is properly removed from the pigtail, in the same saucepan, add the beef and the dry beans. cover the peas and meat with enough water. Add in minced garlic and pimento. let simmer on medium heat for about and hour or until the peas and meat is tender enough.
- Once the meat and peas reaches a tender point, season the stew with coconut milk, black pepper, green onions, thyme, onion powder, scotch bonnet pepper, butter and bouillon. let simmer for another 10 to 15 minutes.
- Serve warm with rice, ideally. enjoy